Concanavalin A from Canavalia ensiformis (Jack bean) has been used for creating zwitterion-immobilized molecularly imprinted polymers (ziMIPs) for protein crystallization. It has been moreover used all by means of the preparation of protein loaded microgels to cease enzymatic degradation of microgels for monitoring by confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM).


1 g in poly bottle
25, 100, 250 mg in poly bottle


Concanavalin A (Con A) is a extensively used lectin that selectively binds to the glycoproteins, a-mannopyranosyl and a-glucopyranosy. These are typically found all by means of the cell wall of yeast and fungi, and the cell membrane of mammalian cells and tissues.

  • Stain the cell wall of yeast and fungi, and the cell membrane of mammalian cells and tissues
  • Detect glycoconjugates in microscopy and circulation cytometry
  • Stain glycoproteins in gels
  • Withstands fixation and permeabilization
  • Number of 10 CF dyes from UV to near-infrared
  • Superior CF dyes are good, photostable, and water-soluble

Lectins are moreover versatile probes for detecting glycoconjugates in microscopy and circulation cytometric options and for gel staining of glycoproteins. In neutral and alkaline picks, Con A exists as a tetramer with a molecular weight of roughly 104 kDa. In acidic picks (pH beneath 5.0), Con A exists as a dimer. Con A is prone to be utilized to selectively stain the cell ground of dwell cells, and stand as lots as fixation and permeabilization. When cells are mounted and permeabilized forward of staining, fluorescent lectins stain every cell ground and organelles all by means of the secretory pathway.

BioMag Plus

BioMag Plus

Biochem/physiol Actions

Con A should not be blood group particular nonetheless has an affinity for terminal α-D-mannosyl and α-D-glucosyl residues. Ca2+ and Mn2+ ions are required for put together. Con A dissociates into dimers at pH 5.6 or beneath. Between pH 5.eight and pH 7.0, Con A exists as a tetramer; above pH 7.Zero bigger aggregates are long-established. Con A reveals mitogenic put together which relies upon its diploma of aggregation. Succinylation results in an brisk dimeric type which stays a dimer above pH 5.6.

Analysis Uncover

Agglutination put together: Determined from serial dilutions of a 1 mg/mL reply (this put together is the underside conc. to agglutinate a 2% suspension of human erythrocytes after 1 hr incubation at 25 °C). Requires Sort A Human Blood.
Concanavalin A (Con A) may be going probably most likely probably the most typically used lectins in cell biology. Our Alexa Fluor 488 conjugate of Con A reveals the acute, inexperienced fluorescence of the Alexa Fluor® 488 dye (absorption/emission maxima ~495/519 nm). Alexa Fluor 488 Con A selectively binds to a-mannopyranosyl and a-glucopyranosyl residues.

Uncover the Proper Stain for Your Utility

Con A and totally completely totally different lectins are carbohydrate binding proteins that acknowledge particular sugar moieties on glycoproteins.  The presence and distribution of these targets fluctuate between cell varieties and tissues. In consequence, totally completely totally different cell ground stains or totally completely totally different lectin conjugates, Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA) Conjugates and PNA Lectin Conjugates, would possibly produce greater ground staining and will also be further acceptable in your cell type. Lectin conjugates is prone to be utilized to selectively stain the cell ground of dwell cells, and stand as lots as fixation and permeabilization.

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